506 8624-7635
760 539-6477

Tao Destinations Surf Resort
Base Pricing
Solo Surfer
$2750 for one week. This is all-inclusive so your only other cost will be your airline ticket. For more details about what's included and non surfing activities that are available, you can go to our All Inclusive Surf Camp tab. CLICK TO PAY
Surfer with a Non-Surfing Partner
$4000 for one week. As a solo surfer guest, you can bring your non-surfing partner with you for an additional $1250, so that’s $4000 in total for both of you. You can see all the activities for Non-surfing guests under the About Tao Surf Camp. There is no limit to how many non-surfing guests you can bring room availability permitting. CLICK TO PAY
Surfing Couple
$5000 for one week for a couple, so that’s $2750 for the first person and $2250 for your partner. This is where both people are surfing with us. Schedule ahead to set boat trips for Surfing Couples. CLICK TO PAY
Private Events / Weddings
We offer our location to many different events and activities. If you would like to request something special please contact us on our Contact Page to better assist you.