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Surf School Schedule

Arrival Day: You will be greeted at the Liberia, Costa Rica Airport with ice cold water and driven to Tao Destinations Surf Resort.

Dinner and Drinks:When you arrive at Tao our staff will greet you with a complimentary drink and give you a chance to settle in. Dinner will be awaiting you after a short introduction to our facility.

Day 1: Breakfast will be at 10:30am Daily. Today we will meet at the pool for Target Stretching class and introduction to Surfing. We will be going over  the unique maneuvers that make up the sport of surfing, above all how to be safe and comfortable. Depending on the group we can head to the beach afterwards or you can relax around the pool until lunch at 12 pm. Class at 4 pm. Today's topic will be an introduction to the different aspects of surfing and assess your ability.

Day 2: Breakfast will be 10:30 am daily. After breakfast we will set you up with your Board for the day. Depending on the group we will meet for stretching at the pool for class or at the Restaurant to depart for stretching at the beach. Class is in session! We will go over a targeted set of stretches to maximize your flexibility for the Surf. We will be going over the basics here paddling the board in flat water, paddling through the broken white water to the outside, turtle over technique to let the waves pass over you,catching wave techniques,  and getting you to stand up. It's a lot for one day the most important part is to have fun. When you feel like you have had enough usually 3 hours is plenty it's time for lunch. Lunch time is 12 am- 2 pm this gives you time to relax around the pool before we meet for class in the A/C Restaurant at 4 pm. Today's topic Different types of surfboard tails. Here we will go over your day and help you see what you are doing correctly and what could use some work. During class we give you practical  and proven knowledge of the different aspects that make up this magical sport of Surfing. Each day is a different topic with a workbook you can follow along with and take notes if you would like.

Day 3: Breakfast will be at 10:30am daily. Set you up with your board and off we go. Every day starts with the target stretching, Each day will be 3-5 hours of surfing depending on what you would like, as the Resort is 8 minute walk from the beach you can come and go as you please. Today's topic different Major and Minor maneuvers.

Day 4:  Free Day. Breakfast is at 10:30 am daily. If doing an activity you need to be ready for departure by 9. After 3 days of surf we give you a break from class and you have the option to go on one of the day trips that are available at the time of season. There are lots to choose from Waterfall tours, Diamante Adventure Park, Volcano Tours, Atv Tours, and many more. Please Check website for what's available.

Day 5: Breakfast will be at10:30 am. Set you up with your board and off we go. Target Stretching and any other tips we can offer before your in the line up. 3 - 5 hrs of surf instruction.  Class is at 4 pm. Today's topic Fin Discussion

Day 6: Graduation Day, Breakfast will be at 10:30 am. Set you up with your board and off we go. Target Stretching and any other tips we can offer before you're in the line up.

It's you day to shine and show off your skills to your instructors.  Any other tips and tricks that you are wanting to know we are here to give you all the knowledge we have to offer. You can surf as long as you like lunch is at the same time and as class will not be going today you will have Graduation Dinner Party with highlights from your time with us. So enjoy relaxing by the pool with your beverage of choice.

Day 7: Departure Day 

We will be serving food all day so you can enjoy your time with no rush before your shuttle ride to the airport.

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